Create a custom typeface for an existing organization.
I created a custom typeface to be used on local Calgary retailer, North American Quality Providers’ eCommerce website. This font package consists of 26 lowercase characters designed to complement the values and identity of NAQP.
The Organiclass typeface:
reflects and supports the brand identity.
captures the quaint and eclectic feel of the shop and translates it to their online commerce space.
styling should unique from the competition.
has an organic feel, whilst maintaining usability for web graphics.
Maintains consistency in styling across website and in-person shop.
Research consisted of, researching the NAQP website and brand, and collecting typeface design precedent that could be used to inspire my own typeface.
Brand research used tools such as, a semantic differential scale, which generated a series of adjectives that represented the brand's identity.
Sketching allowed for the brainstorming of the proportions and elements of the characters, these sketches start with just a few characters (o, n and s).
Initial sketches were used to generate the first 13 letters of the english alphabet. After gathering feedback from my professor and peers, I inked out a draft of the first 13 letters. Using the 13 letters as a reference, I digitized all 26 characters of the typeface using adobe illustrator.
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